Semaphore Indicators

Series : NW - SI

Semaphore Indicators, Semaphore Indicators Series : NW - SI Manufacturer, India

Semaphore indicators

Series : NW - SI

Semaphore indicators are designed to perform on Instrumentation. Control & Relay Panel's mimic diagram. It indicates the 'open' or 'close' position of the circuit Breaker.

PT ON / OFF switch, Earth Switch, Isolator etc. The Dial Needle Positions itself to right angle with reference to the mimic, when the-Isolator, breaker etc .. is in 'Open' position. In "Closed' position of the Isolator. Breaker etc, the needle positions itself to bridge the gap between the lines and provide continuity in the mimic diagram. When supply to the Semaphore Indicator fails. the needle moves to occupy the intermediate position at 45o.


For automatic status indication of Isolators, Earth Switches. Circuit Breakers etc. on Mimic diagram of Control Panels.


  • • Continuously rated heavy duty solenoid coil
  • • Dust & vermin proof
  • • Exceeds IS-3231 1965 , specifications
  • • Superior operating torque & locking
  • • Prolonged test for each unit, for operational accuracy & endurance
  • • Aesthetically designed
  • • Quality standards matches international standards.

Technical Specifications

Color : Body Black. Dial White.
Bazel Size : Dia, 36mm. 48mm & 63mm.
Rated Voltages : 24V - 30V DC.
110V DC : Use 3KΏ. 6W external Resistor
220-230V DC : Use 9 KΏ. 12W
External Resistor. Stud type Resistors could be provided, at extra cost.
Operating Voltages : 60% to 120% of rated voltage
Burden : Less than 30mA
Terminals : 3 Nos.
Endurance Test : O. 10 million operations
Insulation Test : 2.5 kV rms, 50 Hz for 1 minute between terminals and base, 40 m between base and terminals.
Bazel Sizes : Our product code
36 mm. NW-SI / 36
48 mm. NW~SI / 48
63 mm NW-SI / 63
Semaphore indicators

Overall & Cutout Dimensions :

Semaphore indicators